Writing Curriculum
Our Writing Vision
A Park Hill writer has an inspired appreciation of rich and varied literature and vocabulary. They take pride in their writing, develop the ability to write and speak clearly to communicate their ideas, views and emotions. Children show resilience in their personal writing journey. They can adapt their language and style of writing to transfer the skills across the curriculum and in real-life contexts.
Writing at Park Hill
At Park Hill we follow 'Talk for Writing' where children learn key texts through drama, vocabulary and story maps. Below you will find our Writing progression maps, where we ensure all writing skills are taught, and texts are progressive. Children at Park Hill are fully immersed into their text and always have the opportunity to write their work up in 'best'. Writing is celebrated across the school and each half term every child's writing goes on display. Children are involved in their progress journey and have a special 'best book' where a piece of writing is recorded each half term; children are proud of these and share them with parents at several points throughout the year.