Maths Curriculum
Our Maths Vision
A Park Hill mathematician sees how important maths is to everyday life – why they are learning the skills that they are learning! Park Hill children are prepared to be resilient when problem solving. They can show ‘number sense’ and creativity with numbers and are confident when calculations involve the four operations.
Maths at Park Hill
At Park Hill we use 'White Rose Maths' to ensure that the key areas of Maths are mapped out across the year. In addition to this, teachers continue to revisit key mathematical concepts throughout the year. We have worked to develop a times table routeway, making it clear the learning that will take place in each year group; this ensures that knowledge is being built upon each year. For planning, in addition to White Rose we use a variety of resources, encouraging teachers to adapt planning to suit the needs of the children in their class. We have a variety of Maths interventions that take place at Park Hill including use of 'First Class at Number' for KS1 children and small groups intervention work for KS2. We work towards supporting children to independently access Maths assessments and become confident mathematicians.
Our Maths planning - White Rose
Times Tables
At Park Hill we have created a times tables routeway and a common understanding of what is taught in each year group. Teaching staff have worked together to ensure they have a bank of strategies for teaching times tables, including the use of TIMES TABLES SONGS. We have developed a range of songs that children begin to learn in our Early Years; this supports their knowledge of the number sequences in a fun and engaging way for all children.
*See below for our TIMES TABLES SONGS
Times Tables
Maths Training
At Park Hill teaching staff have had Curriculum Professional Development (CPD) in Maths, specifically supporting the teaching of times tables across the school. Teachers took part in practical sessions and have since put into action the ideas and strategies for securing times tables knowledge across the school.
Parent Workshops
In addition to the above, we have ran parent workshops, supporting our parents with how they can support with Maths at home. Time has been spent guiding parents through the strategies we use in school, in particular to teach times tables.
*See below for both staff training and parent workshop materials