Computing Curriculum
Our Computing Vision
A Park Hill Computer Scientist is confident and safe when using a range of technologies. They can independently solve problems that they may face and can create and test their own solutions. At Park Hill, we are resilient, passionate, and prepared to face the challenges of the digital world.
Computing at Park Hill
At Park Hill we use 'Twinkl' to support our Computing Planning. Children have an opportunity to experience a block of computing where they have access to laptops for a full week. Laptops are then used both in computing lessons, and where appropriate cross curricular. We use the programme SCRATCH throughout the school to support children with programming skills. Children build on their skills within the programme and have an opportunity to save and edit work they have created.
Our Key Stage Two children are being taught how to use SEESAW as a platform for saving computing work; this ensures that children see the purpose of the work completed and can look at their progress over time.